Mexican food is among the most in-demand cuisines in the United States, estimating the category around $226 million.
Mexican food is among the most in-demand cuisines in the United States, estimating the category around $226 million. Products, such as burritos, are a must-carry item as roughly 73% of consumers said they either like or love burritos. Providing a variety of Mexican-inspired flavors is the best way to meet the desires of on-the-go consumers.
Chicken Burritos and Quesadillas
Chicken is the most popular flavor on the menu for burritos, with 58% of menus including this option. As a traditional protein, chicken can take on a more Mexican flair when paired with salsa or green and red peppers. Chicken is incredibly versatile allowing for the expansion into quesadillas, creating a larger consumer audience.
Pork Carnitas Burritos and Quesadillas
In the past four years, we’ve seen a 12% increase in pork entrées. Another satisfying option for consumers is that pork flavored with cheese and tomatillo salsa wrapped in a tortilla makes a delicious lunch or snack.
Bean and Cheese Burritos and Quesadillas
Beans and cheese options appeal to those with vegetarian wants or needs while also allowing for various seasoning options, like chipotle. Quesadillas are an ideal on-the-go meal for consumers who are bored with traditional on-the-go comfort foods.
During the initial COVID-19 Stay-at-Home orders, Mexican food was the number one most missed food. Providing foods with these bold flavors expands the audience in your retail space. It offers a new option for those bored with traditional comfort foods and looking to satisfy their cravings. According to Datassentials, 79% of people crave something new, making Mexican food the ideal addition to your product lineup. San Luis burritos and quesadillas are the perfect addition to your Mexican food-line up.
*2/2018 Datassentials Burrito Profile, 6/2016 Datassentials C-store keynote